Providing impartial honest scientific support to the fresh produce industry

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Reducing plastics and including recycled content whilst limiting food waste

Achieving the Courtauld Commitments

The Challenge

As producers, packagers and retailers look to meet Courtauld commitments by 2025, many existing packaging solutions will no longer be acceptable. This will be particularly challenging for handling of perishable food products for which the response to the packaging environment is critical. There is a need to understand the response of produce to alternative packaging solutions, both those using recycled or compostable plastics or using alternative materials.

The Proposal

The PQC are coordinating a network of academic and commercial experts in materials science (recyclable and compostable plastics, biocomposites, edible coatings) supply chains and postharvest plant physiology. We are interested to hear from industry stakeholders, with an interest in the efficacy of films with varied recycled content and biodegradable films for fresh produce. If you would like more information, please contact Dr Lori Fisher at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..